jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, checking the dial for machine
jon_lin: CJ Yang, 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters, during practice time
jon_lin: Cole during practice time
jon_lin: Jean-Daniel and Maelstrom team tasting during practice time
jon_lin: Chris Tellez, Working Coffee, tasting during practice
jon_lin: Ben, Jeremy, and Jill, Monogram Coffee
jon_lin: Josh adjusting his beard during judge calibration
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, tamps her espresso
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, preps her milk drink
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, serving drinks to the judges
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, finishing her milk pour to the judges
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, preparing her signature drink
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, preparing her signature drink
jon_lin: Aimee Ferguson, Phil & Sebastian, serving her signature drink
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, greets the judges
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, prepares his espresso
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, serves his espresso to the judges
jon_lin: Running espresso at CNBC2015
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, prepares his milk
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, pours his milk for his cappuccinos
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, prepares his signature drink
jon_lin: Simon Gilbert, Independent, tamps his espresso for his signature drink
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, prepares for his presentation
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, introducing his coffee to the judges
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, presenting to the judges
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, tamps his espresso
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, pours his milk beverage
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, pours his milk beverage
jon_lin: Nat Fried's (Pilot Coffee) tools for his signature drink
jon_lin: Nat Fried, Pilot Coffee, bottling up his signature drink