jon grace-cox: Ready to go
jon grace-cox: Ready to go
jon grace-cox: New fan
jon grace-cox: A list of all the screws and tape to hold them
jon grace-cox: Out with the battery
jon grace-cox: Remove the panel
jon grace-cox: Nearly all the screws out
jon grace-cox: Nearly all the screws out
jon grace-cox: Guitar picks are a really good way to prise up the keyboard
jon grace-cox: Keyboard off
jon grace-cox: Underside of the keyboard
jon grace-cox: Unplug the optical drive and fan
jon grace-cox: Internals exposed
jon grace-cox: The wi-fi board
jon grace-cox: Side ports
jon grace-cox: View from above
jon grace-cox: Lift up the fan
jon grace-cox: Remove carefully without tearing the black stuff
jon grace-cox: Old fan is out
jon grace-cox: New fan in
jon grace-cox: Replacing the keyboard
jon grace-cox: Replacing the keyboard
jon grace-cox: Replacing the keyboard
jon grace-cox: Moment of truth
jon grace-cox: Looking good
jon grace-cox: Looking better
jon grace-cox: It boots!
jon grace-cox: We have fan activity! Sweet!