Joming Lau: it's cozy inside
Joming Lau: Home site
Joming Lau: Showers
Joming Lau: Grandma and Julia
Joming Lau: Uma
Joming Lau: Bathtime!
Joming Lau: Mother and daughters
Joming Lau: Uma likes her basket
Joming Lau: Julia at the table
Joming Lau: llama llama
Joming Lau: Onions drying
Joming Lau: Intellectual
Joming Lau: looking mischevious
Joming Lau: Freeing of the beast
Joming Lau: Freeing of the beast
Joming Lau: Freeing of the beast
Joming Lau: Freeing of the beast
Joming Lau: Freeing of the beast
Joming Lau: Beetlemania
Joming Lau: Dinner
Joming Lau: Uma the intrepid
Joming Lau: The great denailing incident
Joming Lau: Danger zone in the bus
Joming Lau: before
Joming Lau: after
Joming Lau: the toilet
Joming Lau: poop down a hole!
Joming Lau: the magnificent view from the toilet
Joming Lau: Big eyed Julia
Joming Lau: Big eyed julia