Joey Makalintal: The Unisphere
Joey Makalintal: Queens Museum
Joey Makalintal: Art Imitating Art
Joey Makalintal: Queens Museum
Joey Makalintal: Scale-model Pavilion
Joey Makalintal: Scale-model Pavilion
Joey Makalintal: Panorama of the City of New York
Joey Makalintal: Panorama of the City of New York
Joey Makalintal: Panorama of the City of New York
Joey Makalintal: Panorama of the City of New York
Joey Makalintal: Life Imitating Art
Joey Makalintal: Neon Art
Joey Makalintal: The Neustadt Collection of Tiffany Glass
Joey Makalintal: The Neustadt Collection of Tiffany Glass