Jonskipop: Big breakfast
Jonskipop: First Brew at base camp
Jonskipop: Louis excited
Jonskipop: 60cm
Jonskipop: Brew 2
Jonskipop: Hamish, Louis and I
Jonskipop: Louis still cracking up
Jonskipop: Leigh laughing at how much tea we're drinking
Jonskipop: Kids on 'sharps' duty
Jonskipop: Not as whacked as he looks
Jonskipop: 4th or 5th brew
Jonskipop: Filling the kettle for another brew
Jonskipop: Three post holes dug
Jonskipop: 6th brew
Jonskipop: Tea bag mountain
Jonskipop: My 6th brew
Jonskipop: Louis and Ottilie making a potion
Jonskipop: Lunch break
Jonskipop: Sun's out, its roasting!
Jonskipop: Pissing rain, thunder and lightning
Jonskipop: Candle-lit darts - V romantic
Jonskipop: First post 'in', sun back out
Jonskipop: Hamish with the first post
Jonskipop: Three posts 'in' and 7th brew
Jonskipop: Louis finds a massive worm
Jonskipop: Merrily on the bouncer
Jonskipop: Post-packing
Jonskipop: Mother of all roots
Jonskipop: Louis, Lucy, Timmy
Jonskipop: Cool rainbow raindrops