Jonskipop: Teddo always wears his seat belt
Jonskipop: Teddo arriving for work
Jonskipop: Teddo practices his Wacom skillz
Jonskipop: Teddo checking out on Brian's Laptop
Jonskipop: Teddo answers the phones for Jocelyn in reception
Jonskipop: Teddo carried by Mufty
Jonskipop: Teddo sorts soil samples in the warehouse
Jonskipop: Teddo and Liam hug on the stairs
Jonskipop: Teddo makes new friends
Jonskipop: Teddo meets the Office Gonks
Jonskipop: Teddo and Daddy working hard
Jonskipop: Teddo's lunchtime newscast
Jonskipop: Teddo gets a make-over on the Osteometric board from Karen
Jonskipop: Teddo studies a cat skull
Jonskipop: Teddo googles bears
Jonskipop: Teddo browsing