Jolly_Jarvis: J as a kitten
Jolly_Jarvis: Who buys CDs anymore?
Jolly_Jarvis: Poor Pete
Jolly_Jarvis: Jarvis posing
Jolly_Jarvis: If i stare at it enough...
Jolly_Jarvis: Jarvis
Jolly_Jarvis: Jarvis
Jolly_Jarvis: I can fit this much food in my mouth
Jolly_Jarvis: Late dinner = cranky face
Jolly_Jarvis: Hope she feeds me
Jolly_Jarvis: Martha has a new man bag
Jolly_Jarvis: I own you
Jolly_Jarvis: Cat in a bag
Jolly_Jarvis: Bag lady
Jolly_Jarvis: Jarvis in Adam's bag
Jolly_Jarvis: Looking shifty
Jolly_Jarvis: Head warmer
Jolly_Jarvis: Modem love
Jolly_Jarvis: Quit staring
Jolly_Jarvis: I'm watching you
Jolly_Jarvis: J being cute
Jolly_Jarvis: J in a box
Jolly_Jarvis: Being cute
Jolly_Jarvis: Big chin
Jolly_Jarvis: Getting up is hard
Jolly_Jarvis: Robots are exhausting
Jolly_Jarvis: J and robots
Jolly_Jarvis: Take that!
Jolly_Jarvis: Jarvis giving Adam's robot a go
Jolly_Jarvis: J and robot