jolly_sonali: Tiere+Maya
jolly_sonali: quick salsa lesson
jolly_sonali: cherrie and geneviev's fathers trying to keep step
jolly_sonali: combined forces arvind hana and genevieve
jolly_sonali: more turkey
jolly_sonali: the chef in action
jolly_sonali: needed a lot of indian goodness called garam masala! ;)
jolly_sonali: genevieve and arvind
jolly_sonali: ya right
jolly_sonali: one more!
jolly_sonali: Armone entertaining maya for 4 hours!
jolly_sonali: card games!
jolly_sonali: hana in action
jolly_sonali: jackson
jolly_sonali: me looking goofy!
jolly_sonali: arzu finishing her jacket
jolly_sonali: G playing with my camera
jolly_sonali: what do they want to do?
jolly_sonali: not stand in the cold!