Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
My hometown is actually quite nice! Akersloot, afternoon.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
Walking the dog is the best time of day! Alkmaardermeerdijkje.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
Muddy road to nowhere. Brief moment of rising sunlight. Limmerpolder.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
In January we got finally a brief spell of cold... Klaashoorn & Kijfpolder.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
3rd rainy dogwalk of this day. But getting fun with my gopro. Near Alkmaardermee.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
Early morning dogrun. Being happy x2.
Jolanda Linschooten / Outdoorfoto:
Husky Ice Art