inetjoker: I looked at my to do list.
inetjoker: I made dinner
inetjoker: I was deciding on how to develop this film
inetjoker: I took a music break
inetjoker: I rolled some more film
inetjoker: I had to check the time
inetjoker: The Sun was on the other side of my building
inetjoker: I found a bird I had to rescue from a trash can
inetjoker: I went to see another child I like
inetjoker: I met my old friend's friend
inetjoker: I gave Nannie a gift
inetjoker: I saw an old friend
inetjoker: I left the station
inetjoker: I had to take a break
inetjoker: I saw myself between clouds
inetjoker: I just loved the short line
inetjoker: I met a hook up
inetjoker: She is Static but pretty
inetjoker: I went to see Davie Jones off
inetjoker: I thought I would see if I am as ugly as I thought
inetjoker: I got up from a nap to see the storms broke
inetjoker: I left my basket
inetjoker: I did lanundry
inetjoker: I turned on my flash
inetjoker: I forgot to turn on my flash
inetjoker: I visited my Son
inetjoker: I did some chores
inetjoker: I then hooked up with another Photographer
inetjoker: I had a smoke
inetjoker: I looked at some flowers