joe_montoya: Bus stop.
joe_montoya: L.A. is 469 square miles and has 4 million people in its city limits. Here's just 1 of them walking the streets. Read my latest Steller story "Walking in L.A." and thoughts about navigating through life on my blog at joemontoya|.|net. Make it a great day!
joe_montoya: My latest #carspotting find is this 50's Ford surf wagon. The owner was still at his #boardmeeting 🏄
joe_montoya: I think I picked the best Instameet for my first one. I had a great time meeting fine folks and took a lot of pics of people taking pics at the #GoldenRiseMeet #WWIM12 :: #todayimet Atilla BKA @popscure (pictured here) who did a superb job of organizing a
joe_montoya: Dawn patrol. Southern California. August 2015.
joe_montoya: Trying out the beta version of RedDotCam for iPhone. Long Beach Marina. August 2015. Happy Wednesday!
joe_montoya: Some of the best conversations happen just before it's time to clock out. Created with VSCO® B5 #VSCOcam
joe_montoya: The tones of Cairo. July 2015.
joe_montoya: Old spot. New shot. New phone. Created with VSCO®
joe_montoya: Watching the sailboats approach. Southern California. Summer 2014. #tbt
joe_montoya: Due to a severe drought in California the "Rain, rain, go away" song is now banned. "Rainbow" and "Double Rainbow" songs are accepted.
joe_montoya: Discovering California. Created with VSCO®
joe_montoya: The best thing he caught this day wasn't on a hook.
joe_montoya: "Praise Him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals." ~Psalm 150:5 NLT
joe_montoya: Caption this!
joe_montoya: "Because some luchadors are more legendary than others." ~El Gran Queso AKA @rubenstixnhands
joe_montoya: Listened to @faithkshaw this past weekend. Lovely vocals, sweet ukulele & head nodding bass!
joe_montoya: Trying to figure out how to extend Spring Break. Created with VSCO®
joe_montoya: Never become so "grown-up" that you lose your sense of wonder. Read more at
joe_montoya: HipstaPrint
joe_montoya: It's good to get outside and just walk around to think. Some places are better thinking places than others. Palos Verdes, California. 2008
joe_montoya: "Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language." ~Walt Disney
joe_montoya: #WHPfromthewater
joe_montoya: The best part of being a kid is being a kid. Read more
joe_montoya: "Every time it rains it rains Pennies from heaven." ~Arthur Johnston & Johnny Burke
joe_montoya: Treasure Hunter For over 20 years he's looked for his prize. What that is nobody knows. The residents don't believe he has the eyes To find his treasure below. The secret he holds will not be shared. Only you and he will know it. It's not like a lo
joe_montoya: Parked cruiser, Seal Beach, CA
joe_montoya: Riding high.
joe_montoya: Slick hair, sunglasses & shave ice @kurietta style. If you got some B&W's tag your best with #hashtagfloosie_bw & go to @hashtagfloosie for the details.
joe_montoya: Sid with San Pedro in the background.