linusvp: packing for the trip
linusvp: patriotic
linusvp: balloons
linusvp: amusement park elephant
linusvp: friends
linusvp: yankee go home
linusvp: boat for sale
linusvp: prosveta on strike
linusvp: composition with deka and david
linusvp: wouldn't come down the slide
linusvp: at the amusement part where much money was spent
linusvp: annual traditional photo
linusvp: after miniature golf
linusvp: after miniature golf
linusvp: the facade is falling
linusvp: from the war museum
linusvp: waiting for me? (modesty blaise)
linusvp: revolutionary worker
linusvp: door detail
linusvp: door detail
linusvp: maska (african and asian shop) window
linusvp: urban park experience
linusvp: federal building remodel
linusvp: church 2
linusvp: cnhurch next door
linusvp: from my mom's window
linusvp: amazing yellow snakes
linusvp: yak, i think
linusvp: witn nanny, david in the background
linusvp: crocodile's foot