linusvp: the world's largest frying pan
linusvp: a favorite roadside attraction
linusvp: a music box (playing harmonica)
linusvp: the singing canary
linusvp: at marsh's
linusvp: two headed calf
linusvp: eight legged lamb
linusvp: all kinds of things
linusvp: and more
linusvp: another music box
linusvp: wandering the aisles
linusvp: view from our trailer
linusvp: trailer interior
linusvp: our trailer
linusvp: the sou'wester
linusvp: the sou'wester
linusvp: a solitary moment
linusvp: all things must pass
linusvp: that way!
linusvp: walking away
linusvp: note the sign!
linusvp: seaview sign
linusvp: not sure what they mean