Joits: jeffster!!!!
Joits: zac levi shows us his moves
Joits: yvonne strahovski and ryan mcpartlin
Joits: ryan mcpartlin
Joits: vic sahay shows off his guns
Joits: it's sarah lancaster! woo hoo!
Joits: adam's thinking... there's that damn joits again
Joits: namaste
Joits: zachary levi... the nerd!
Joits: yvonne strahovski
Joits: adam baldwin
Joits: josh schwartz
Joits: vic sahay
Joits: sarah lancaster and adam baldwin
Joits: sarah lancaster
Joits: chuck panels are fun!
Joits: yvonne strahovski and joshua gomez
Joits: adam baldwin
Joits: morgan!
Joits: captain awesome!
Joits: what's up chuck?
Joits: zachary levi
Joits: joshua gomez and zachary levi goofin off
Joits: scott krinsky
Joits: vic sahay
Joits: zachary levi
Joits: yvonne strahovski
Joits: yvonne strahovski
Joits: the woodcombs
Joits: yvonne strahovski