Joi: Andy Lippman
Joi: Students listening to Andy
Joi: Dan Monroe speaking to students
Joi: Dan Monroe
Joi: Students mostly listening
Joi: Students mostly listening
Joi: Jen and Erhardt
Joi: Students listening
Joi: Students listening to Jason
Joi: Dan explaining rules
Joi: Jason explain his card game
Joi: Dan explaining rules
Joi: David Kong on the decks
Joi: Intersections: Anila Quayyum Agha
Joi: Intersections: Anila Quayyum Agha
Joi: Intersections: Anila Quayyum Agha
Joi: Room where students slept
Joi: L1002650
Joi: L1002651
Joi: L1002658
Joi: Erhardt and Jie
Joi: Travis and Kevin
Joi: Scott Greenwald
Joi: Jacqueline Kory Westland
Joi: Jia, Jakie and Scott
Joi: Jakie and Scott
Joi: Erhardt Graeff
Joi: Gershon Dublon
Joi: Charles vs VR
Joi: Xiao Xiao