Joi: Ed Boyden
Joi: Joe Paradiso
Joi: Ethan Zuckerman and Mike Bove
Joi: Neri Oxman and Leah Buechley
Joi: Sep Kamvar
Joi: Roz Picard and Henry Lieberman
Joi: Faculty Retreat
Joi: Pattie Maes and Hiroshi Ishii
Joi: Tod Machover and Andy Lippman
Joi: Marvin Minsky
Joi: Faculty Retreat
Joi: Faculty Retreat
Joi: Cesar Hidalgo and Ethan Zuckerman
Joi: Ed Boyden, Leah Buechley and Andy Lippman
Joi: Mitch Resnick and Tod Machover
Joi: Sep Kamvar, Kent Larson and Sandy Pentland