Joi: Mizuka floating in drysuit
Joi: Mizuka working on drysuit buoyancy
Joi: School of small fish
Joi: Post box at Izu Ocean Park
Joi: Kawahagi
Joi: Moray eel
Joi: Nokogiri Hagi
Joi: Phyllidia ocellata aka Kiiroibo Umiushi
Joi: Crab
Joi: Small shellfish
Joi: Ceratosoma trilobatum
Joi: Sea
Joi: Mizuka and Hana
Joi: Mizuka doing her fin pivot in a drysuit
Joi: Mizuka
Joi: Mizuka and Hana
Joi: Fish
Joi: Kasago
Joi: Anemone fish
Joi: キンギョハナダイ
Joi: Anemone forest
Joi: Octopus hiding in hole with eyes sticking out
Joi: Shrimp
Joi: Tora Utsubo
Joi: Tora Utsubo
Joi: Mizuka and Hana doing drysuit knowledge review
Joi: Mizuka and Joi at Izu Ocean Park Christmas tree