Joi: Utah clouds
Joi: Mellody Hobson
Joi: Mellody Hobson with the kids
Joi: Li Lu, Davis Guggenheim and Lisa Shue
Joi: Davis Guggenheim
Joi: Davis Guggenheim and Stella
Joi: Teo
Joi: Lawrence Lessig
Joi: Mellody Hobson
Joi: Bettina Neuefeind and Willem
Joi: Omar Wasow
Joi: Rica Orszag
Joi: Joshua Ramo, Rica Orszag and Omar Wasow
Joi: Ian Cameron and Michael Sanchez
Joi: Bettina Neuefeind, Lisa Shue and Andrew Shue
Joi: Reggie Hudlin
Joi: Path
Joi: Lake
Joi: The hike A team
Joi: The O'Connors and John Tien
Joi: The O'Connors
Joi: The O'Connors
Joi: The flag
Joi: Group photo
Joi: Light sabers
Joi: Dan Nova
Joi: Matthew Yale
Joi: Baby moose crossing street
Joi: Mother moose with two kids