Joi: Vanda Scartezini and Paul Twomey
Joi: Vint Cerf and Rajasekhar Ramaraj
Joi: Peter Dengate Thrush
Joi: Chuck Gomes
Joi: Steve Crocker
Joi: Vint Cerf
Joi: Steve Crocker
Joi: Bruce Tonkin
Joi: Bruce Tonkin and Jordyn Buchanan
Joi: Milton Mueller
Joi: Vint Cerf and Bruce Tonkin
Joi: Norbert Klein
Joi: Rita Rodin
Joi: Izumi Aizu
Joi: Steven Goldstein and Vint Cerf
Joi: Raimundo Beca
Joi: Njeri Rionge
Joi: Suzanne Woolf
Joi: Milton Mueller
Joi: Amadeu Abril i Abril
Joi: Izumi Aizu at the Public Mic
Joi: Desiree Miloshevic
Joi: Veni Markovski
Joi: Susan Crawford
Joi: Lisbon Taxi
Joi: Veni Markovski
Joi: Kieren McCarthy
Joi: Young Eum Lee
Joi: Maria Farrell and Malcolm Hutty
Joi: Steve Crocker and Njeri Rionge