Jo Hubris: Kate in the East Village
Jo Hubris: Me in Times Square
Jo Hubris: Me not so blurred in Times Square
Jo Hubris: Debevoise St
Jo Hubris: Shrine in someone's garden
Jo Hubris: Updating my website in Union Square
Jo Hubris: Lee Strasburg building
Jo Hubris: Stacey and her frozen lemon margarita
Jo Hubris: New York at night
Jo Hubris: Midtown apartment building
Jo Hubris: Fifth Avenue
Jo Hubris: Alien silo from the Staten Island Ferry
Jo Hubris: Oldskool houses from the Staten Island Ferry
Jo Hubris: The Brooklyn Bridge
Jo Hubris: The Queen Mary 2
Jo Hubris: Some other bridge
Jo Hubris: Another Staten Island Ferry
Jo Hubris: Heh heh, I said "tug"
Jo Hubris: Liberty Island from the ferry
Jo Hubris: Lady Liberty
Jo Hubris: "Oh my god, it's the Statue of Liberty"
Jo Hubris: New York architecture rocks
Jo Hubris: The American Indian museum
Jo Hubris: Pirate supplies!
Jo Hubris: Chinese food in white cardboard boxes!
Jo Hubris: The American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jo Hubris: The rooftop sculpture garden at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jo Hubris: More sculptures
Jo Hubris: Awesome rooftop views
Jo Hubris: The Classics wing at the Metopolitan Museum of Art