JHox2011: Hocking hits the mean streets of Paris
JHox2011: Nave of Notre Dame cathedral
JHox2011: Outside Notre Dame
JHox2011: Samson gets his eye poked out
JHox2011: 15C tapestry
JHox2011: Jesus gets shirty
JHox2011: Detail of stained glass from Museum of the Middle Ages
JHox2011: Coffee and reflected Louvre
JHox2011: Courtyard behind Louvre
JHox2011: Detail of exterior of St Chappelle
JHox2011: Interior of St Chappelle
JHox2011: Upstairs St Chappelle
JHox2011: Wall in St Chappelle
JHox2011: Sphinx statue at Chatelet
JHox2011: Tomb of Francis I
JHox2011: Recumbent tomb effigy
JHox2011: Heart of Louis XVII
JHox2011: Tomb statue
JHox2011: Robes of Catherine de Medici
JHox2011: Crown of Catherine de Medici
JHox2011: Henri II and Catherine de Medici tomb statues
JHox2011: Statue on Catherine de Medici tomb
JHox2011: Bell tower at Notre Dame
JHox2011: Gargoyle and view of Paris
JHox2011: Dancing apostle
JHox2011: View of Seine and Paris
JHox2011: Dome in Galeries Lafayette
JHox2011: View from the Arc de Triomphe
JHox2011: Self-portrait from top of Arc
JHox2011: Underneath the Arc