Marine Explorer:
Bleached v unbleached corals #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Happy patchwork #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
South Head, Sydney Harbour mixed news #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Sponge gardens before and after extreme weather
Marine Explorer:
Posidonia australis seagrass
Marine Explorer:
Centrostephanus rodgersii urchins
Marine Explorer:
Plesiastrea versipora coral
Marine Explorer:
Thinning seagrass
Marine Explorer:
Bleached sponges #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Bleached Coscinaraea mcneilli corals #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Kelp losses in shallow water #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
URG coral bleached! :( #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Contracted Dendronephthya australis
Marine Explorer:
Sponge bleaching #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Weedy seadragon at Shelly CTB #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Hippocampus whitei seahorse female WB #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Before and After the Floods #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
After the floods 2
Marine Explorer:
After the floods
Marine Explorer:
Not much kelp left
Marine Explorer:
Not much kelp cover :( #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
After the storm
Marine Explorer:
Red sun over a hot, smoky Parramatta river
Marine Explorer:
This is not normal #climatechange #bushfires #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Manly ferries through the bushfire smoke - thoughts for the firies, people near the fires and wildlife with no escape #nswbushfires
Marine Explorer:
Dendronephthya australis - cauliflower animals #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Bleached P. versipora coral?
Marine Explorer:
Storm damage - Weedy seadragon - maybe? Phyllopteryx taeniolatus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Bleached Plesiastrea versipora
Marine Explorer:
Healthy Coscinaraea mcneilli coral