Marine Explorer: Toxopneustes pileolus - Toxic flower urchin #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Underside - Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus
Marine Explorer: Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus
Marine Explorer: Southern sea cucumber
Marine Explorer: Breathing - Papillae - Petricia vernicina
Marine Explorer: Sea star Uniophora granifera
Marine Explorer: Sea star Coscinasterias muricata
Marine Explorer: Southern sea cucumber - Australostichopus mollis
Marine Explorer: Pentagonaster dubeni sea star
Marine Explorer: Feeding - Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Climber - Southern passion star - Ptilometra australis
Marine Explorer: Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus
Marine Explorer: Stark contrast - Urchin barren meets macroalgae #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Urchin barren meets macroalgae 2
Marine Explorer: Clinging to the edge - strip of kelp in urchin barren
Marine Explorer: Acanthaster planci - Crown-of-thorns seastar #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Black urchins - Centrostephanus rodgersii
Marine Explorer: It shouldn't happen - slate urchin entangled in fishing line inside sanctuary zone
Marine Explorer: Sydney cushion star - Anthenea edmondi
Marine Explorer: Pseudoboletia indiana urchin
Marine Explorer: Temnopleurus alexandri urchin
Marine Explorer: Icy water runs through their veins - Firebrick seastar - Asterodiscides truncatus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Collector urchin wearing a sad hat - Temnopleurus alexandri #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Laid back - Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Urchin Pseudoboletia indiana
Marine Explorer: Tuberculate urchin - Heliocidaris tuberculata
Marine Explorer: Three urchin species; black purple red. #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Salmacis sphaeroides urchin
Marine Explorer: Vermillion biscuit star - Pentagonaster dubeni
Marine Explorer: Petricia vernicina - Velvet star