Marine Explorer: Entanglement
Marine Explorer: Beer bottle bryozoan Schizoporella errata?
Marine Explorer: Tangle fishing line dislodges kelp
Marine Explorer: Collector urchin wearing a sad hat - Temnopleurus alexandri #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Sweet and sour - marine debris #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Marine debris - engine block in Bushrangers Bay - how did this get here
Marine Explorer: Marine debris - garden glove
Marine Explorer: Debris at Clifton Gardens
Marine Explorer: No thanks! Plastic floating in aquatic reserve
Marine Explorer: Encrusted debris
Marine Explorer: Hooked - Grey nurse shark Carcharius taurus
Marine Explorer: Changing attitudes? Marine debris - old bottles #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Marine mess - discarded fishing tackle
Marine Explorer: FantaSea home - Brown sabretooth blenny - Petroscirtes lupus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Plastics never die. Lane Cove river
Marine Explorer: Fishing debris
Marine Explorer: Debris with a silver lining - Brown sabretooth blenny - Petroscirtes lupus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Sad sight - Dusky whaler trailing fishing line - Carcharhinus obscurus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Deadly tangle - Marine debris on a pencil slate urchin #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Who made this mess? White's seahorse - Hippocampus whitei
Marine Explorer: Curious octopus
Marine Explorer: Grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) with fish hook
Marine Explorer: Mooring come adrift
Marine Explorer: Entanglement - Pyura gibbosa #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Entanglement - fishing debris kills green moray
Marine Explorer: Marine debris at Little Manly
Marine Explorer: Tip-toeing through the plastic - Australian wood duck Chenonetta jabuta #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Back to nature - Rusty anchor #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: What's wrong with a regular apple? #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Kelp torn loose by fishing line