Marine Explorer:
Weedy seadragon - Phyllopteryx taeniolatus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Walking fish video - Eastern spiny gurnard - Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Fiddler ray on transect - Trygonorrhina fasciata #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Blue groper feeding - Achoerodus viridis
Marine Explorer:
Close encounter - Spotted wobbegong - Orectolobus maculatus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Fairy Bower 360
Marine Explorer:
Marine Explorer:
Bubbles n buoyancy
Marine Explorer:
School of scad video #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
School of scad 2
Marine Explorer:
Weedy seadragon - Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Marine Explorer:
Brittle Star hunting
Marine Explorer:
Hastening slowly - Turbo torquatus - #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Eastern wirrah with attitude - Acanthistius ocellatus
Marine Explorer:
Curious Yellowfin bream - Acanthopagrus australis
Marine Explorer:
Wrasse and Spangled emperor - Lethrinus nebulosus
Marine Explorer:
Grey nurse sharks at Magic Point; Carcharius taurus #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Grey Nurse Shark 360
Marine Explorer:
Bullseye 360
Marine Explorer:
Pomfret 360
Marine Explorer:
Ascent 360
Marine Explorer:
Weedy seadragon - Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Marine Explorer:
Now what are they up to? Pair of common stingarees - Trygonoptera testacea #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer:
Black stingray - Dasyatis thetidis
Marine Explorer:
Mauve-eyed hermit crab - Dardanus crassimanus
Marine Explorer:
Territorial smooth stingray - Dasyatis brevicaudata
Marine Explorer:
Curiosity - Australian fur seal - Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus
Marine Explorer:
Australian fur seal and the bull ray - Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus
Marine Explorer:
Eastern bluey up close - Achoerodus viridis
Marine Explorer:
Run for it! Comb star - Astropecten polyacanthus #marineexplorer