Marine Explorer: View from north head of Freshwater #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Brush strokes - Smooth stingray - Dasyatis brevicaudata #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Fiddler ray - Trygonorrhina fasciata
Marine Explorer: Black stingray - Dasyatis thetidis
Marine Explorer: Now what are they up to? Pair of common stingarees - Trygonoptera testacea #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Seagull reflection - I wonder what a seagull thinks about? #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Sunrise over Freshwater beach
Marine Explorer: Searching for waves
Marine Explorer: Sunrise over Freshie head
Marine Explorer: Freshwater rock platform
Marine Explorer: Why fly when you can walk
Marine Explorer: Blue periwinkles
Marine Explorer: Takeoff and landing
Marine Explorer: Barnacle mix
Marine Explorer: Freshwater dive entry
Marine Explorer: Little Wattlebird Anthochaera chrysoptera
Marine Explorer: Crayweed recruits near restoration mats
Marine Explorer: Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena
Marine Explorer: Sunrise over Freshie #reeflifesurvey #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Manly-lagoon
Marine Explorer: Crayweed recruits Phyllospora comosa
Marine Explorer: Swimming laps
Marine Explorer: Lapwing
Marine Explorer: Bridge over ICOLL entrance #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Young welcome swallows
Marine Explorer: Line-up
Marine Explorer: Fairy wren
Marine Explorer: Freshwater-beach
Marine Explorer: Houses around the lagoon - which side do you prefer? #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Rainbow lorikeet