Marine Explorer:
Collector urchin - Tripneustes australiae
Marine Explorer:
Introduced species; Swim through, North Bondi
Marine Explorer:
Red rock cod with moray eel
Marine Explorer:
Red rock cod - Scorpaena cardinalis
Marine Explorer:
Giant sea tulip - Pyura spinifera
Marine Explorer:
Leache's compound ascidian - Botrylloides leachi
Marine Explorer:
Tasmanian chromodorid - Chromodoris tasmaniensis
Marine Explorer:
Jewel anemones
Marine Explorer:
Sam with stingray
Marine Explorer:
Dasyatis brevicaudata Short tail stingray
Marine Explorer:
Bennett's nudibranch - Hypselodoris bennetti on white sponge
Marine Explorer:
Black-margined chromodorid - Glossodoris atromarginata near bryozoan (lace coral)
Marine Explorer:
Bennett's nudibranch - Hypselodoris bennetti near bryozoan
Marine Explorer:
Marigold dorid - Neodoris chrysoderma
Marine Explorer:
Southern golfball sponge - Tethya bergquistae
Marine Explorer:
Banded seaperch - Hypoplectrodes maccullochi amongst bryozoan (lace coral)
Marine Explorer:
Mosaic seastar - Plectaster decanus
Marine Explorer:
Southern sea fan - Sphaerokodisis australis - with polyps out
Marine Explorer:
Variable dorid - Aphelodoris varia
Marine Explorer:
Sweet ceratosoma - Ceratosoma amoenum
Marine Explorer:
Bit off more than he can chew; Giant cuttle - Sepia apama
Marine Explorer:
Nudibranch; velutinid
Marine Explorer:
Eastern blue groper - Achoerodus viridis
Marine Explorer:
Silver sweep - Scorpis lineolata
Marine Explorer:
Giant cuttle eating fish - Sepia apama
Marine Explorer:
My garden - Girdled parma - Parma unifasciata
Marine Explorer:
Eastern blue groper - Achoerodus viridis
Marine Explorer:
Red rock cod - Scorpaena jacksoniensis
Marine Explorer:
Baby Blue dragon - Pteraeolidia ianthina
Marine Explorer:
Baby Red morwong - Cheilodactylus fuscus