Marine Explorer: Backlit garden; ascidians, sponges
Marine Explorer: Deep water deep colours; Finger sponges with hulafish
Marine Explorer: Sydney Harbour sea fan; Melithaea zimmeri
Marine Explorer: Boulder with Callyspongia
Marine Explorer: Plate sponges - Carteriospongia
Marine Explorer: Where's Wally? Can you find the nudibranch?
Marine Explorer: Showing their age - Plate sponges - Carteriospongia #marineexplorer
Marine Explorer: Pretty in Pink - Sea fan - Melithaea zimmeri
Marine Explorer: Gorgonian?
Marine Explorer: Gorgonians?
Marine Explorer: Sponges; fan (Echinoclathria), finger (Callyspongia)
Marine Explorer: Hydroids
Marine Explorer: Another tropical visitor; Nudibranch - Ocellate phyllidia
Marine Explorer: Sponge garden with Tom
Marine Explorer: Sponge garden
Marine Explorer: Callyspongia sponge garden
Marine Explorer: Flashing neon; wonderful giant cuttle display - Sepia apama
Marine Explorer: Sticker - Eastern cleaner clingfish - Cochleoceps orientalis
Marine Explorer: Eastern cleaner clingfish - Cochleoceps orientalis
Marine Explorer: Spotted wobbegong - Orectolobus maculatus
Marine Explorer: Which way? Eastern pomfret - Schuettea scalaripinnis
Marine Explorer: Inverted inverts - Black-margined nudibranch - Glossodoris atromarginata
Marine Explorer: Kitchen cupboard - who spilled the plates? Plate sponge garden
Marine Explorer: Giant cuttle - Sepia apama
Marine Explorer: Eastern hulafish - Trachinops taeniatus
Marine Explorer: Black reef leatherjacket - Eubalichthys bucephalus
Marine Explorer: Eastern blue groper - Achoerodus viridis
Marine Explorer: Picky eater - Red cuttle - Sepia mestus
Marine Explorer: Fish chimney - Yellowtail scad - Trachurus novaezelandiae
Marine Explorer: Hangin'