John Wiseman: Market sliding doors
John Wiseman: Scramble Crossing
John Wiseman: Tall buidings downtown
John Wiseman: Green Peas
John Wiseman: Walking around
John Wiseman: Arcades in Tokyo
John Wiseman: Tofu and Soba Noodles
John Wiseman: Steve eating tofu and soba noodles
John Wiseman: Me eating tofu and soba noodles
John Wiseman: Cd & DVD shop downtown
John Wiseman: Local convenience store in Asakusa, Japan
John Wiseman: Where we ate noodles
John Wiseman: Downtown
John Wiseman: IMG_3136.JPG
John Wiseman: IMG_3135.JPG
John Wiseman: River outside our hostel
John Wiseman: Overpass
John Wiseman: Drink anyone?
John Wiseman: IMG_3143.JPG
John Wiseman: IMG_3145.JPG
John Wiseman: Walking around Downtown
John Wiseman: IMG_3027.JPG
John Wiseman: Downtown Tokyo
John Wiseman: Somewhere over Japan
John Wiseman: Coffee in Tokyo
John Wiseman: Homeless
John Wiseman: Outisde our hostel