Mike McCall: The Faithful
The U.S. National Archives: Miners going into$2 lamp$2 house to$2 get their safety lamps. U.S. Coal and Coke Company, Gary$2 Mines, Gary, McDowell County, West Virginia.
tedesco57: Thames at Kingston Bridge 1916
Halloween HJB: Recensement Professionnel des Prisonniers de Guerre, 1919
Isabelle Sauvageot: Hiver de ma fenêtre
Isabelle Sauvageot: Des pommes, encore des pommes, sur papier 22x30 cm
Michel Ventri: 8th Avenue (48) 261
Keeff 3: Steam Pipe NYC
E t h o n: Another Leap Year
sketches.fp: 13-01-2014
Andreas Johns: Along Third Street, Riverside, California
Andreas Johns: Memory of Klosterneuburg, Austria
Andreas Johns: Alessa's Birthday
Andreas Johns: Still Life with Glass, Knife, and Apple Slice
Andreas Johns: Malden Avenue East, Seattle
Don Colin Photographs: This morning's tribute is to Niceville High's beloved Ms. Anne Bennett who died over the weekend at age 84. She read her students from the Bible and Mad Magazine and played piano. Mostly she kept us in stitches with her scathing wit. She was an inspiratio
Rob & Amy Lavoie: My 2 year old portrait
Thomas Hawk: Found Photograph
ben&kay: Rails and Weeds
EdgarJa: Puerto del Carmen
dcwooten: IMG_3415
mikedaikubara: Meal before the Blizzard
pabigelli: Mimosa
♥braker: Lemon Meringue Pie Again
pom'.: Sardegna, Italia
Halloween HJB: SCHNEIDER, Sascha. Hypnosis, 1904.
E t h o n: Drive-In
E t h o n: Where’s the Meat?!
lick creek hillbilly: Bring A Fork