Just Back: watermelon time
Just Back: Blackberry bush, heavily laden.
Just Back: downpour, Scott's Barbecue
Just Back: Canteloupes
Just Back: Harvested from the street. Is this enough for some soup?
Just Back: The pumpkin is prepared for the end.
Just Back: Südfrüchte aus Spanien
Just Back: loroco flowers
Just Back: Numerous pieces will satisfy all the congregation.
Just Back: kitchen scene
Just Back: seafood dinner, with fruit.
Just Back: pumpkins
Just Back: figs
Just Back: lemon
Just Back: ripe
Just Back: Wednesday's lunch.
Just Back: summer happens
Just Back: watermelon church.
Just Back: nectarines from South Carolina
Just Back: strawberries for the guests
Just Back: lemons
Just Back: Vienna Naschmarkt
Just Back: Guacamole happens...
Just Back: avocado scene
Just Back: Slice up some pumpkin, trim off the skin.
Just Back: Sunday brunch.
Just Back: Pineapple guava
Just Back: summer fruit
Just Back: Life is a collander of cherries.
Just Back: roasted peanuts