Just Back: pressing a plant specimen II
Just Back: Indian currant, Carolina buckthorn
Just Back: Berlandiera pumila
Just Back: Old-timey mock-orange
Just Back: Spiny gooseberry, Ribes echinellum
Just Back: Dwarf stinging nettle, Stevens Creek, McCormick County SC
Just Back: Nemophila aphylla, Hydrophyllaceae, Stevens Creek Heritage Preserve
Just Back: redbud and yellow-poplar
Just Back: Micranthes virginiensis (=Saxifraga virginiensis), Stevens Creek Heritage Preserve, McCormick County SC
Just Back: yellow jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens
Just Back: Seaside mallow, "marsh" mallow
Just Back: bright red
Just Back: sweetbay
Just Back: beautyberry, Callicarpa americana
Just Back: A terrible weed. Ein schreckliches Unkraut. Une herbe tres mauvaise.
Just Back: Rose hibiscus, Hibiscus laevis
Just Back: Lilaeopsis chinensis. NOT from China.
Just Back: Hydrolea quadrivalvis
Just Back: young long-leaf pine with yellow pitcher plants
Just Back: Asclepias lanceolata
Just Back: Brasenia schreberi, Cabombaceae; Goodale State Park, Kershaw County, South Carolina.
Just Back: floating heart and water-shield, Goodale State Park
Just Back: sweet bay after rain, Magnolia virginiana
Just Back: Virginia Willow, Itea virginica
Just Back: Yellow jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens
Just Back: can't wait for summer...I don't have much stomach for winter.
Just Back: common and weedy
Just Back: Stoneroot, Collinsonia tuberosa
Just Back: Parasol tree
Just Back: water-locust, Gleditsia aquatica