John S Y Lee: nazareth_synagogue
John S Y Lee: Capernaum, Sea of Galilee
John S Y Lee: Pool of Bethesda, Jerusalem
John S Y Lee: karitaina_panagion_jesus
John S Y Lee: Jesus washing his disciples' feet
John S Y Lee: Jesus Christ
John S Y Lee: Christogram
John S Y Lee: athens_byzantine_christogram
John S Y Lee: athens_byzantine_nativity
John S Y Lee: Jesus Christ "pantokrator"
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion icon
John S Y Lee: athens_byzantine_nativity2
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion icon
John S Y Lee: Jesus Christ "pantokrator"
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion icon
John S Y Lee: oslo_limbo
John S Y Lee: Puerta del Nacimiento, Catedral Nueva, Salamanca
John S Y Lee: Parade in Moscow
John S Y Lee: Stone of Anointing in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion site at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion site at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
John S Y Lee: mystra_proskynetarion
John S Y Lee: Temptation of Christ
John S Y Lee: Feeding the Five Thousand
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion
John S Y Lee: Crucifixion
John S Y Lee: Silver Star at Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
John S Y Lee: Mosaics at Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome
John S Y Lee: Jesus Christ
John S Y Lee: Jesus Christ