Baractus: Kittlitz's Plover
Baractus: White-fronted Plover
Baractus: Little Ringed Plover
Baractus: Oriental Plover
Baractus: Collared Plover
Baractus: Pied Plover
Baractus: White-fronted Plover
Baractus: Golden Plovers
Baractus: Kentish Plover
Baractus: Semipalmated Plover
Baractus: Semipalmated Plover
Baractus: Two-banded Plover
Baractus: Ringed Plover with a colour ring and a flag
Baractus: Ringed Plover
Baractus: Ringed Plover
Baractus: Ringed Plover
Baractus: Ringed Plover
Baractus: Ringed Plover
Baractus: Little Ringed Plover
Baractus: Little Ringed Plover
Baractus: Little Ringed Plover chick
Baractus: Ringed Plover fight
Baractus: Semipalmated Plover
Baractus: Diademed Sandpiper-plover
Baractus: Grey Plover
Baractus: Diademed Sandpiper-plover
Baractus: Diademed Sandpiper-plovers
Baractus: Diademed Sandpiper-plover
Baractus: New Zealand Dotterel
Baractus: Double-banded Plover