john sweeney: The Sayama Reservoir Musem from afar.
john sweeney: Up close.
john sweeney: The water courtyard.
john sweeney: Towards the other end of the courtyard.
john sweeney: Underneath the falls.
john sweeney: The entrance to the museum.
john sweeney: A bird.
john sweeney: From the entrance looking through to the other side of the courtyard.
john sweeney: Waterfalls.
john sweeney: Waterfalls.
john sweeney: The reservoir bank.
john sweeney: An old water gate or something.
john sweeney: A model of the reservoir bank.
john sweeney: Another view of the model.
john sweeney: The bank.
john sweeney: It's fake!
john sweeney: A replica of a statue of a guy who did something with the reservoir.
john sweeney: The effects of the reservoir.
john sweeney: Taisho era water level thingy.
john sweeney: The waterfalls.
john sweeney: More waterfalls.
john sweeney: The courtyard.
john sweeney: Two cicadas going at it.
john sweeney: The Sayama Resevoir.
john sweeney: Another view of the Sayama Resevoir.
john sweeney: Strange plant.