john sweeney: Japanese TV take on Kill Bill.
john sweeney: Quentin?
john sweeney: A statue of Jizou.
john sweeney: The town of Kumano.
john sweeney: The Kumano Kodou.
john sweeney: Sign describing the Matsumoto Pass.
john sweeney: Along the Kodou.
john sweeney: At the pass.
john sweeney: CIMG1928
john sweeney: Looking down at the town to the north of Kumano.
john sweeney: Kumano.
john sweeney: Forest along the way.
john sweeney: CIMG1932
john sweeney: A sign for Onigajou castle ruins.
john sweeney: A happy spider eating a cicada.
john sweeney: Looking down at the bay.
john sweeney: Kumano and its beach.
john sweeney: Small islands off the coast.
john sweeney: An intersting cliff along the trail.
john sweeney: CIMG1943
john sweeney: CIMG1944
john sweeney: CIMG1945
john sweeney: CIMG1948
john sweeney: CIMG1950
john sweeney: Yes I am a bit sweaty.
john sweeney: Down at the bottom of the hill that I hiked.
john sweeney: CIMG1955
john sweeney: CIMG1956
john sweeney: Similar to the cliff I saw further in.
john sweeney: Little water bugs or something.