jkpaul: tonight's fireworks from the roof of the Northern Ballet building, Leeds on the official opening, attended by Prince Edward ... oh & a very nearly full moon!
jkpaul: I'm glad I forgot to take my lunch to work today ... it led me to find an almost perfect spring lunchtime
jkpaul: Guess where in Glasgow?
jkpaul: New (temporary) arrival: Oliver the pussykitten
jkpaul: New (temporary) arrival: Guinness the pussykitten
jkpaul: a pink phone for Biddy's b'day 1
jkpaul: a pink phone for Biddy's b'day 2
jkpaul: a pink phone for Biddy's b'day 3
jkpaul: a pink phone for Biddy's b'day 4
jkpaul: a pink phone for Biddy's b'day 5
jkpaul: Zak, the most patient dog in the world, and Oliver, the bravest Kitten in the world
jkpaul: Zak, the most patient dog in the world, and Oliver, the bravest Kitten in the world
jkpaul: Zak, the most patient dog in the world, and Oliver, the bravest Kitten in the world
jkpaul: Zak, the most patient dog in the world, and Oliver, the bravest Kitten in the world
jkpaul: Oli's old & new cars
jkpaul: Oli's new Vauxhall Corsa Limited Edition
jkpaul: Oli's new Vauxhall Corsa Limited Edition
jkpaul: Ro having fun at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton Hall
jkpaul: Biddy & Lulu having fun at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton Hall
jkpaul: Rohan Taylor-Knight takes his bow & ovation as Randall Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson's role) at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
jkpaul: Lulu & Biddy prepare for another year at school Part II
jkpaul: Lulu & Biddy prepare for another year at school Part I
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