johnstewartnz: 20200828_0057_40D-50 Wheel (Kaylee)
johnstewartnz: 20200828_0058_40D-50 Motorbike (Kaylee)
johnstewartnz: 20201001_4460_7D2-24 Ethan
johnstewartnz: 20201001_4462_7D2-24 Ethan
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0014_EOS M-55 Sand Art from the Pier #1
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0015_EOS M-18 Sand Art from the Pier #2
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0026_EOS M-18 Black-backed Gull on Pier
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0040_EOS M-35 Stranded Whale
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0054_EOS M-18 Inside the Dinosaur Car
johnstewartnz: 20210625_0057_EOS M-18 Metal Table
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johnstewartnz: 20230713_1783_R62-600 Kaylee with my EOS M