johnstewartnz: 20060107_1949_10D-400 Pelican and Pied Shag
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2223_10D-200 Plumed Whistling-Ducks at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2236_10D-200 Blue-winged Kookaburra at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2242_10D-200 Drink time at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2254_10D-200 Bush Stone-Curlew at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2255_10D-75 Bush Stone-Curlew at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2262_10D-150 Black-necked Stork at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2268_10D-115 Darter at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: Darter in rain at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060108_2305_10D-200 Kookaburra in rain at Australia Zoo
johnstewartnz: 20060110_2460_10D-280 Superb Fairy-Wren
johnstewartnz: 20060110_2510_10D-200 Cattle Egrets
johnstewartnz: 20110514_6957_1D3-400 Australian Wood Duck
johnstewartnz: 20120225_0037_1D3-560 Rainbow Lorikeet
johnstewartnz: 20120226_0161_1D3-400 Pelican in flight
johnstewartnz: 20120226_0204_1D3-400 Incoming
johnstewartnz: 20120226_0260_1D3-200 Pelican and four Silver Gulls (known in NZ as Red-billed Gulls)
johnstewartnz: 20120226_0321_1D3-400 Eastern Curlew
johnstewartnz: 20120228_0624_1D3-400 Rainbow Lorikeet at nest in gum tree
johnstewartnz: 20120229_0860_1D3-200 Magpie Lark
johnstewartnz: 20120229_1054_1D3-273 Pied Butcherbird
johnstewartnz: 20120229_1065_1D3-273 Magpie
johnstewartnz: 20120229_1069_1D3-280 Portrait of a magpie
johnstewartnz: 20120301_1256_1D3-400 Wood Duck
johnstewartnz: 20120302_1545_1D3-200 Barking Owl (Ninox connivens)
johnstewartnz: 20120302_1546_1D3-200 Barking Owl (Ninox connivens)
johnstewartnz: 20120302_1639_1D3-200 Dusky Moorhen
johnstewartnz: 20120303_1874_1D3-400 Young Osprey with fish
johnstewartnz: 20120303_1875_1D3-400 Young Osprey with fish
johnstewartnz: 20120303_1897_1D3-400 Osprey leaving water with a fish