John Spooner:
Fungus on a Silver Birch log
John Spooner:
Fungus on a fallen tree
John Spooner:
Fungus on a Rotten Log
John Spooner:
Fungus on a Fallen Log
John Spooner:
Fungus on a Fallen Log
John Spooner:
John Spooner:
Tiny Fungus
John Spooner:
John Spooner:
John Spooner:
Magpie ink cap
John Spooner:
Shaggy Parasol
John Spooner:
Fungus on a fallen Silver Birch
John Spooner:
Candlesnuff on the Forest Floor
John Spooner:
Fungus on the Forest Floor
John Spooner:
Fungus on the Forest Floor
John Spooner:
Fungi on a tree-trunk
John Spooner:
Turkey Tail
John Spooner:
Fungus and Moss on a dead Treetrunk
John Spooner:
Fungus on a dead treetrunk
John Spooner:
Fungus on a fallen tree
John Spooner:
Fungus on a fallen tree
John Spooner:
Tree fungus
John Spooner:
Tree fungus
John Spooner:
Ganoderma Applanatum ?
John Spooner:
Ganoderma Applanatum ?
John Spooner:
Ganoderma Applanatum ?
John Spooner:
New Forest Fungus
John Spooner:
New Forest Fungus
John Spooner:
New Forest Fungus
John Spooner:
New Forest Fungus