john shortland: Common Blue Butterfly
john shortland: Holly Blue Butterfly
john shortland: Gatekeeper Butterfly
john shortland: Speckled Wood Butterfly
john shortland: Peacock Butterfly on Phlox 'Hesperis'
john shortland: Comma Butterfly on Bramble
john shortland: White Plume Moth, Pterophorus pentadactyla
john shortland: The Easy Way to Photograph an Orange-tip Butterfly
john shortland: Large Skipper Butterfly, male
john shortland: Common Swift Moth
john shortland: Large Skipper Butterfly, at rest
john shortland: Cone Flower, Echinacea purpurea
john shortland: Bee Shadow
john shortland: Roesel's Bush Cricket, Metrioptera roeselii
john shortland: Male Banded Demoiselle
john shortland: Wild Marjoram - a magnet for bees and butterflies: Origanum vulgare
john shortland: Bumblebee
john shortland: Can You See What I See? (you'll need to look at the next image on my photostream if you can't)
john shortland: Perfect Camouflage
john shortland: Cockroaches Can Be Beautiful Too!
john shortland: The Gatekeeper, Pyronia tithonus
john shortland: Comma at Rest
john shortland: Comma Butterfly
john shortland: Small White Butterfly
john shortland: On The Trail
john shortland: Green Orb Spider, Araniella cucurbitina
john shortland: Brimstone Butterfly
john shortland: Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary
john shortland: Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar