JohnSeb: DSCF2017
JohnSeb: Flag with mountain backdrop
JohnSeb: Flags for sale
JohnSeb: Loyal Germans.
JohnSeb: "Tres joli"
JohnSeb: Allez les bleus
JohnSeb: Forza Italia
JohnSeb: Party time
JohnSeb: Ushuaia hotel room
JohnSeb: This is Argentina
JohnSeb: National flag
JohnSeb: DSCF3167
JohnSeb: DSCF3166
JohnSeb: Macao & China
JohnSeb: British Embassy, Berlin
JohnSeb: HK flag
JohnSeb: Patriot
JohnSeb: Stars and Stripes and a beautiful ceiling
JohnSeb: Centre of the roof inside the Garden
JohnSeb: DSCF5906
JohnSeb: Staten Island Ferry terminal
JohnSeb: A British camp site
JohnSeb: DSCF6803
JohnSeb: DSCF6793
JohnSeb: Bulldog's Bar and Grill, Lan Kwai Fong
JohnSeb: Mexican food place near Trafalgar Sq
JohnSeb: DSCF2077
JohnSeb: DSCF2086
JohnSeb: DSCF2119
JohnSeb: DSCF9611