johnrsims43: Starless - Eagle Nebula - Pillars of Creation
johnrsims43: M101 with 5 hours integration
johnrsims43: M63 - The Sunflower Galaxy
johnrsims43: M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy with more data (total of 3 hours)
johnrsims43: M51_Whirlpool Galaxy
johnrsims43: IC434_Horsehead Nebula
johnrsims43: M42_Orion Nebula
johnrsims43: Horsehead Nebula
johnrsims43: M42 The Orion Nebula
johnrsims43: Triangulum Galaxy M33
johnrsims43: Screech Owl - Small, but mighty😱
johnrsims43: Barn Owl
johnrsims43: Prarie Falcon
johnrsims43: Harris's Hawk
johnrsims43: Along trail to Bash Bish Falls
johnrsims43: Bash Bish Falls
johnrsims43: Tioga Pass Meadow Sunset
johnrsims43: Little Lakes Basin from trail to Ruby Lake
johnrsims43: Sunset at Tioga Pass Meadow
johnrsims43: Tioga pass Meadow Sunset
johnrsims43: East end of Long Lake, Bishop Pass Trail
johnrsims43: Super Flower Blood Moon near peak
johnrsims43: Full Moon 05-14-22
johnrsims43: Rufous Hummingbird
johnrsims43: Mystery Hummingbird - Golden Head?
johnrsims43: Black-chinned Hummingbird ?
johnrsims43: Anna's Hummingbird, or Black-chinned?
johnrsims43: Allen's Hummingbird
johnrsims43: SFO sunset from Treasure Island
johnrsims43: Humpback tail (Bottom)