JohnMPruitt: Tendering to Villefranche
JohnMPruitt: A Faster Tender
JohnMPruitt: Villefranche-sur-Mer
JohnMPruitt: Touristy Tour Car
JohnMPruitt: The Fortress Ramp
JohnMPruitt: What a smile!
JohnMPruitt: The Bunny Ear'd Busses
JohnMPruitt: Millenium in Villefranche Bay
JohnMPruitt: Blvd. Princess Grace de Monaco
JohnMPruitt: Nice and a nice Terre portrait
JohnMPruitt: Monument Aux Morts
JohnMPruitt: Négresco Hotel
JohnMPruitt: Négresco Hotel
JohnMPruitt: Russian Orthodox Cathedral
JohnMPruitt: Russian Orthodox Cathedral
JohnMPruitt: Russian Orthodox Cathedral
JohnMPruitt: A Queen working the corner
JohnMPruitt: Queen Victoria
JohnMPruitt: Acropolis Exhibition Centre
JohnMPruitt: Promenade des Anglais
JohnMPruitt: Nice France bus shots
JohnMPruitt: Nice France bus shots
JohnMPruitt: Nice France bus shots
JohnMPruitt: Port de Nice
JohnMPruitt: Ahh The Minnow
JohnMPruitt: Smart Car
JohnMPruitt: Millenium still waiting for us
JohnMPruitt: Saint Jean Cap Ferrat
JohnMPruitt: Three heavies in the bay
JohnMPruitt: Love my Millenium