johnpaulgoguen: signage to apiary
johnpaulgoguen: hives along the drive
johnpaulgoguen: powerpoint about bees and hygienic behavior
johnpaulgoguen: explaining the demonstration
johnpaulgoguen: introducing the demonstration
johnpaulgoguen: pulling out the frames
johnpaulgoguen: bees without hygienic behavior
johnpaulgoguen: bees with hygienic behavior
johnpaulgoguen: talking bee hygiene
johnpaulgoguen: bees with hygienic behavior
johnpaulgoguen: hive that displays hygienic behavior
johnpaulgoguen: spooning in the powdered sugar
johnpaulgoguen: spooning in the powdered sugar
johnpaulgoguen: rolling the bees in sugar
johnpaulgoguen: shaking out the mites
johnpaulgoguen: mites in powdered sugar
johnpaulgoguen: watching demos and talking
johnpaulgoguen: queen removal as everyone watches
johnpaulgoguen: queen removal
johnpaulgoguen: queen removal
johnpaulgoguen: onlookers
johnpaulgoguen: bee demo
johnpaulgoguen: freeze kill demo
johnpaulgoguen: demonstration- freeze kill with liquid nitrogen
johnpaulgoguen: talking about the bee club
johnpaulgoguen: outlet to the observation hive
johnpaulgoguen: observation hive