JohnPascarelli: SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: "Slate Gateway" sculpture by Gary Orlinsky
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: The SAORI Bridges of Elm Park
JohnPascarelli: Detail of Denkmal sculpture by James Kitchen
JohnPascarelli: Bitter Beauty (Elm Park Vandalism)
JohnPascarelli: "Water" sculpture by Ken Reker
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Totem With Flame" Sculpture by Antoinette Prien Schultze
JohnPascarelli: "Water" sculpture by Ken Reker
JohnPascarelli: "Water" sculpture by Ken Reker
JohnPascarelli: "Water" sculpture by Ken Reker
JohnPascarelli: "Water" sculpture by Ken Reker
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Enigmatic Dream" sculpture by John Weidman
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Enigmatic Dream" sculpture by John Weidman
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Enigmatic Dream" sculpture by John Weidman
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Enigmatic Dream" sculpture by John Weidman
JohnPascarelli: "Water Rings" sculpture by Lisa Barthelson
JohnPascarelli: "Water Rings" sculpture by Lisa Barthelson
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Tube-A-Phone" Interactive sculpture by Susu Wing
JohnPascarelli: Detail of "Tube-A-Phone" Interactive sculpture by Susu Wing