John Palanca:
2046 seating
John Palanca:
eating warren
John Palanca:
documentary thomas
John Palanca:
sushi time
John Palanca:
book walls
John Palanca:
carpet and books
John Palanca:
sit with the books
John Palanca:
light the night
John Palanca:
the duke of night
John Palanca:
back to 2046
John Palanca:
John Palanca:
spotlight testing
John Palanca:
working in the shadows
John Palanca:
reflector john
John Palanca:
light testing
John Palanca:
documentary thomas
John Palanca:
candle warren
John Palanca:
camera snout
John Palanca:
behind the interview
John Palanca:
train station light
John Palanca:
looking warren
John Palanca:
lit face
John Palanca:
john and his shadow
John Palanca:
distant lights
John Palanca:
two couches
John Palanca:
Happy New Year!
John Palanca:
it's a digital world after all
John Palanca:
deep fried banana ice cream
John Palanca:
three stooges
John Palanca:
it's time to eat