johnpaddy22: Bachmann OO GWR Collett 60' FK 1st Class Corridor Coach No 8095.
johnpaddy22: Third view of Airfix/GMR OO GWR Suburban Coach - Third Class compartment end of 6896.
johnpaddy22: OO Airfix GWR Carriage 6896 in Chocolate and Cream.
johnpaddy22: Airfix/GMR OO GWR Suburban Brake 1st/3rd with White Roof.
johnpaddy22: Bachmann OO GWR Collett designed 60' 1st Class Corridor Coach No 8095, on the left.
johnpaddy22: Lima OO Gauge GWR Railcar No 22 in Chocolate and Cream test video.
johnpaddy22: Shot 2 Airfix Autotrailer.
johnpaddy22: Airfix OO GWR Auto trailer no. 187.
johnpaddy22: Another Mainline GWR Siphon G view...
johnpaddy22: Replica OO GWR Collett BCK Brake Composite Corridor
johnpaddy22: OO Hornby Collett GWR Restaurant Composite.
johnpaddy22: On the left, Hornby Railroad GWR Collett Restaurant Composite.
johnpaddy22: OO Hornby GWR Composite Collett Coach 6024 and some paints.
johnpaddy22: Replica 60' Collett 1st/3rd stock with painted handrails and hinges..
johnpaddy22: The newer purchase with no painted handrails or hinges.
johnpaddy22: Roof comparison of Replica 60' Colletts.
johnpaddy22: Less than pristine 60' Collett left, pristine right!
johnpaddy22: Pristine variant of Replica 12041 60' Collett 1st/3rd.
johnpaddy22: Another shot of my new R.488. Flash and angle difference.
johnpaddy22: Hornby R.488 - bought as seen for £15 with post. Bargain!
johnpaddy22: Brake Third (BT) 3371 Dia. 25. Hornby. GWR.
johnpaddy22: Excuse the flare! GWR Clerestory just arrived.
johnpaddy22: R.344 GWR Clerestory Brake 3rd Coach 3371.
johnpaddy22: Another flash close-up of my newly purchased R488 GWR Clerestory Brake Third.
johnpaddy22: Heavily weathered Tri-ang GWR Clerestory Composite