Johnny Pimples: "Be happy or end up chasing happiness for the rest of your life."
Johnny Pimples: Yaya + Matin : Stronger Than Ever
Johnny Pimples: Yaya + Matin : Stronger Than Ever
Johnny Pimples: Yaya + Matin : Stronger Than Ever.
Johnny Pimples: Getting what you want is sweet. But getting what you need is priceless.
Johnny Pimples: As the time went by.
Johnny Pimples: I want to tell you, again, I love you.
Johnny Pimples: You'll make it okay. Every time.
Johnny Pimples: Mama you know for a fact that this big boy of your is coming home.
Johnny Pimples: Laugh and smile when you got no story to tell. Those things will play your words for you.
Johnny Pimples: And they shall run until there are no ground left to run on.
Johnny Pimples: They echo me in circles.
Johnny Pimples: And we are leaving some things unsaid. And we are breathing deeper instead
Johnny Pimples: Ask me anything and everything.
Johnny Pimples: That tiny bit of Shine upon your face.
Johnny Pimples: Carry you home.
Johnny Pimples: There goes the Fear
Johnny Pimples: If we can burn a city in the futures and live in the past
Johnny Pimples: One of the brightest stars.
Johnny Pimples: I'm gonna light up your sky tonight.
Johnny Pimples: Johnny was.
Johnny Pimples: You and your Soul.
Johnny Pimples: Happy BadhairDay!
Johnny Pimples: Just run away from these lies.
Johnny Pimples: I don't know where we're going. I don't know who we are.
Johnny Pimples: Mama, your big boy is making his way home.
Johnny Pimples: All the right moves lying on all the wrong place.
Johnny Pimples: Its time to bring in the new noise.
Johnny Pimples: And im gonna give all my Secrets away.
Johnny Pimples: Engineer of hope define the magic of faith.