johnnyneo (off for a week): Hey... Are You Having Problem With Your Mouse? Let My Friend Teach You How To Make Your Own "Ladymouse" Tomorrow...
johnnyneo (off for a week): Hi, To make A 'Ladymouse'... 1st you need to prepare a USB cable and Please Check and make sure the cable is in good working condition...
johnnyneo (off for a week): 2nd, Prepare some Super Glue... This is very important. Please USE only good quality type. Once is ready you may slowly move your body facing the opposite direction of the USB cable like what I am doing now...
johnnyneo (off for a week): 3rd Once the position is right. Slowly move your body backward to the USB cable like this... and Now You must get ready your super glue... Once Again, please use only GOOD quality type... That is very important...
johnnyneo (off for a week): Lastly apply some super glue on your back'side' and then sit on the USB Cable... Yeah... the 'Ladymouse' is finally done... Ahh!!!! Can Someone Please HELP me!! I am STICK on my 'chair' :(